Social Support Program

The program aims to maximise the ability of socially isolated older or frail aged Bankstown residents over 65 (including those from CALD backgrounds and other special needs groups), to continue to live independently at home and also assist in meeting their need for social contact.

If eligible, a potential client is assessed by the Social Support Worker and a support program is jointly developed for the client.

A variety of support activities which are provided by the Social Support Worker and / volunteers are then offered to the client. These include:

  • One to one visits – friendly home visits, accompanying the individual to medical appointments or help with the shopping, having a cuppa and a chat.
  • Accompanied activities – linking the client with established group activities run at the neighbour centre. For example, social lunch, scrabble or computer classes.
  • Outings and trips in small groups. For example, the Social Support Worker takes a group of clients to the movies, down the coast, to the local gardens or out to lunch.

The program is free but for the outings and trips the cost ranges from $7 – $12 per person for transport and the cost of a lunch or movie.

For further information contact us on 9645 3700


More information can be found on the My Aged Care website

The Commonwealth Home Support (CHSP) Social Support (Individual) Program is funded by the Department of Health.


Have some spare time? Volunteer with us. Volunteers assist clients while on the accompanied outings.

Social Support Volunteer Application 

Social Support Volunteer Position Description