CHNC OOSH Philosophy

Service Philosophy

Chester Hill Neighbourhood Centre Outside School Hours Care, is a unique and integral part of the community. Our service aims to provide a safe, caring, respectful and supportive environment for children, their families and educators. We work to empower children by respecting and promoting their individuality. We respect cultural diversity and aim to promote equity. We believe that a child’s sense of belonging and learning is first shaped through the education of their family’s values, beliefs and traditions. We strive to develop strong relationships with children, their families and the community to enhance children’s wellbeing.

To Support this, Our Service is committed to maintaining these values:

Relationships with Children. Educators understand children’s inherent right to feel protected and safe in their environment, supporting each child’s physical, social and emotional development.

Quality Educational Programming. Our Service provides child-centered play in collaboration with structured activities, for children to engage in quality experiences for rich learning, citizenship opportunities and personal development.

Acceptance. Our Service is accepting of all children and families. We cultivate an environment of tolerance and respect: focused on peace, freedom and equality.

Commitment to Children’s Health and Safety. Our Service provides a safe and nurturing environment that fosters positive self-esteem for every child.

Quality Staff. Our staff are an integral, valued and an important part of our service. Educators maintain high quality standards of care, professionalism and integrity in all areas.

Partnerships with Families and Communities. Our Service is committed to working in partnership with families, using an open door policy to ensure their child’s success.